One day I was antiquing with Ronny in Burbank. We went into a store and as we were browsing, Ronny started talking to the owner behind the counter. I started to hear a name being whispered into my ear by Spirit. At first I ignored it, thinking that it would go away. However, the more I tried to ignore it, the louder it got. After a few minutes of hearing the name at an ever-increasing volume, Spirit finally screamed,"SAY IT! SAAAAAAY IT! SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY IT!" At that point, I knew I had to deliver a message to the owner of the store. I waited for their conversation to end. I then politely told the owner that I was a medium and asked him if he would be open to receiving a message. He told me that he would absolutely like to hear what I had to say. I asked him if he knew who Frances was. This man, who was the size and stature of a linebacker, started sobbing. He told me that that was his mother's name. He said that his aunt had just died the day before. I told him that they were together and having a wonderful reunion. They showed me that they were dancing the can-can. When I mentioned this, he confirmed that was what they used to do at parties! He was such a sensitive and open man. I will never forget the persistent energy and amazing amount of love that it took for his mother to come through so loud and clear. I rarely give messages to people in a public setting, but when Spirit screams in my ear, I listen!
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Spiritual Medium and Intuitive Kirstin Ross
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